This type of well is commonly used in areas where the overburden ( soils above bedrock) will not support a shallow well. The casing is sealed into the bedrock then the rock is drilled until water bearing fractures are encountered. The depth of the well is dependent upon the amount of water in each fracture and the water need for the project.
This type of well is commonly used in areas where the overburden (soils above bedrock) will support a shallow well. The well is drilled and a well screen is connected to the bottom of the casing. The screen allows for water to pass through while holding back sands. Shallow wells are then developed to clear up the water and remove sands. Please be aware that some boards of health have been denying installation of shallow wells.
This type of well is commonly used in areas where the overburden ( soils above bedrock) will not support a shallow well. The casing is sealed into the bedrock then the rock is drilled until water bearing fractures are encountered. The depth of the well is dependent upon the amount of water in each fracture and the water need for the project.
This type of well is commonly used in areas where the overburden (soils above bedrock) will support a shallow well. The well is drilled and a well screen is connected to the bottom of the casing. The screen allows for water to pass through while holding back sands. Shallow wells are then developed to clear up the water and remove sands. Please be aware that some boards of health have been denying installation of shallow wells.
This type of well is usually drilled for industries requiring large volumes of waters. Industrial wells are a larger in diameter, typically 8"-12". The larger well allow for larger pumps capable of removing larger volumes of water.
In locations where the overburden will support a shallow production well, soils borings are taken first to pinpoint the best water bearing zone to place the screen. The well is drilled and the screen is emplaced exactly in the high yielding water zone.