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Middleborough, MA

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Well Permits and regulations

A permit to drill, deepen, or decommission your well may be required by your local municipality.  Part of the permit process typically includes a completed application, copy of the plot plan, and a well permit fee which varies in each town.

Your town may have construction standards that designate where we site the well and how to construct the well.  Your well driller should be aware of these requirements.

Chapter 21 section 16 of the Massachusetts General Laws requires that any person digging, drilling or otherwise altering wells in Massachusetts must hold a valid Massachusetts state registration and should be onsite during the installation of your well.

To obtain a well permit contact your local health department.  Click here for a listing of boards of health

How long will it take?

For routine applications the process typically takes a few days.  If a variance is required due to restricted space, wetlands, etc. then the process could take several weeks.

How much will it cost?

As of January 1, 2007 the cost of permits ranges between $10-$250 for a typical well.

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Please call us for more details
(508) 294-0165 or e-mail